These palms serve as a reminder that Jesus is Lord. That Jesus is our Lord. Jesus is the center of our life. Not the government. Not money. Not power or fame or popularity. Not even religion.
We follow a crucified savior. We believe in a crucified God. We confess a crucified Lord.
God became low so that we might be raised up.
God became one of us in order to live with us, be like us and die for us.
And for what?
So that we might live no longer for ourselves but for God.
And how do we do that? How do we live for God?
By loving our neighbor as ourself.
By praying for our enemies.
By forgiving others and by asking for forgiveness.
By giving food to the hungry and liberty to captives.
By realizing the least among us is our brother and sister.
By starting each day with praise and ending each evening with gratitude.
By living life to the fullest each day.
By picking up our cross every day.
We follow Jesus even though we know he is going to the cross, because we know that to live and love and die with Christ means everlasting life.